Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Approaching Planetary Shift

It seems lately the world is collapsing. Now, it may appear this way because we have more immediate access to news events far and near than ever before in the history of this planet. It may have been like this all along, but our technology kept us uninformed thus far. But I am fairly certain that things are “ramping up” in the way of depravity and random acts of “WTF.”
For example, a new drug from Russia called Krokodil is made of cocaine and gasoline and eats your flesh from the inside out. People are lining up to get this, despite warnings that the time period from first use to death is less than three years. Just recently, a gang of motorcycles surrounded a family in their Range Rover, taunting them and finally dragging the father out of the truck to deliver him a vicious beating while his wife and two year old daughter watch helplessly. In my town, young males on scooters are committing drive by shootings. Shooters on scooters.
While I could go on, it is all negative stuff and I am not driven to that. I prefer the positive and uplifting. But how do we explain these random acts of weirdness? Numerous writers have described the raise or upward shift in vibration on this planet. The result is that more and more people are “waking up” for lack of a better phrase. They realize that they are now seeing, hearing or recognizing things that are beyond their previous normal comprehension. More people are becoming aware that the belief systems they have been taught no longer answer the questions they are asking in the light of their new discoveries. People are waking up, and they are searching. And I have made myself available to teach what little I know about this whole “metaphysical” thing. Many people refer to it as “the woo woo.” A teacher and colleague of mine, Lawrence Hyde, wrote a book about it called, Ready for the Woo Woo Stuff? Check it out. It’s available in print and ebooks.  
But why are some people waking up and searching for clarity while some people seem to be slipping further into the moral abyss? Many people in the metaphysical circles agree that our planet, as well as our solar system, is moving into a new quadrant of the universe. Imagine if you will a clock. Our solar system is the hour hand and we are now starting to move from the 6 o’clock position (with a vibration level of, oh, let’s say 5 or something) to the 8 o’clock position (with a vibration level of about 7). This is how our solar system is moving within our galaxy. Now imagine that happening again as our galaxy moves into a new position within the entire universe. Our solar system is lining up with a whole new vibratory field. I’m thinking of the first Star Wars movie where they are watching the monitor and waiting for the death star to come into range of the planet so it can be destroyed. Only in this case, once our solar system is in line with the right place with the Milky Way galaxy, and the Milky Way is in line with the rest of the universe, better things will happen.
Lower vibrations are connected with ego thoughts. Ego thoughts are centered on self-preservation, conquering, survival and the like. Higher vibrations are concerned with more esoteric themes such as love, peace, joy and most of all gratitude. Actually, Dr. Emoto wrote in his book, The Hidden Messages in Water that gratitude is the highest vibration, even higher than joy, as it produced the most beautiful patterns when the frozen water molecules were photographed.
According to most authors, the area of the universe and the area of the galaxy we are moving toward are of a much higher vibratory nature than what we have experienced here on our planet thus far. The prevailing theory is that some people are more capable of assimilating these new vibratory levels than other people. This might explain why some people are waking up and becoming more psychic in nature and some people are seemingly devolving to near bestial behavior.
So how do we attempt to raise our vibrations? While there are some differences in opinion, most agree on moving to a vegetarian lifestyle, meditation, yoga or Tai Chi, spending time in nature, living in gratitude and joy, community service projects, changing your TV habits and avoiding negative people or influences.
Dolores Cannon, a prolific author and past life regression therapist for more than 35 years, has written extensively about our assignments here on Earth and how that relates to the raising of planetary vibrations. Her latest book, The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, she discusses what will happen as our planet lines up with the new vibratory field in the universe. She describes a global shift, where some people will simply vibrate up a notch and some people will remain at the same level. It will be like two different worlds occurring at the same time. Compare it this way. As you sit in whatever room you are in reading this (and I thank you ever so much for taking time out read my feeble musings) there are other beings surrounding you. Ghosts, angels, spirit guides and the like are around us all day long. Most people can’t see or recognize them because they are at a higher vibratory level. Mediums can see them because they are able to raise their vibration high enough to briefly connect with entities beyond our physical sight. Think John Edward, John Holland or James van Praugh (or me). So these beings are living their lives around us all the time, but we don’t see it. If you notice on syfy channel there are numerous ghost hunting and paranormal activity shows on recently. This is further evidence that more people are recognizing things beyond what they have been traditionally taught. There is a whole world beyond ours, living and vibrant.
Dolores suggests that when the coming shift is in full bloom, some will shift up with it and some will stay where they are. It will be like some people are carrying out their lives like they normally would, yet their world will be without the negativity, violence, greed and depravity that imbues our current abode. Yet some people will be living out their lives wondering why everything is horrible, why there is so much evil, greed, meanness and suffering in the world.
Now we go a little further down the rabbit hole. This will really bake your noodle. The rapture describes a similar kind of thing. The word rapture is never written in the Bible, as the term wasn’t part of our lexicon until the early 20th Century. I never believed in the concept of the rapture, despite the popularity of the Left Behind series. It describes a religious event where Jesus returns bodily to Earth as a living God to “take up” only his followers, while he leaves the rest to suffer here on Earth. Bumper stickers and the like claim that in case of the rapture their car will be unmanned. The prevailing belief is at any time, when you least expect it, it could happen. If you are a good Christian, you will be removed from the misery to come. But if are a bad Christian, or no Christian at all, you will be left behind to suffer “where there be wailing and the gnashing of teeth.”
I have never subscribed to this concept. I won’t go into the reasons why.
But what if, just what if, the events foretold in the book of Revelation are a psychic vision recalled by one whose vibration had been raised enough by meditation and diet and positive thoughts that he could foresee the planetary and galaxy shift capable of causing people to seemingly disappear. Perhaps that disappearance is simply people shifting out of our physical sight. Perhaps they are invisible to us, but live on like ghosts are living among us now. What if that one event described so long ago, that theologians and scientists have debated and discussed and philosophized for so long, really described a cosmic shift in vibration that will change who we are forever? Something to think about. Honestly, I only made this elusive Revelation connection this morning.
Now, this article wasn’t a foreboding prophecy, “Change your ways now or be forever lost.” I would never suggest that. I wouldn’t begin to know who could be capable of “vibrating up” or staying where they are energetically. I am suggesting that while all this is going on, while it seems like our world is crumbling apart, while people appear to be going crazier every day, we can all realize that we are capable of enjoying our lives by changing our attitudes and our vibrations. Put the Law of Attraction to work. Thoughts become things, think the good ones. Change your life, change the world.
Namaste my friends,

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