Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Religious Truths (shit happens)

Obviously, none of this is intended to denigrate, deprecate, minimize, demean or insult anyone of any particular religious belief system, or the religious systems themselves. But this is funny nonetheless.
TAOISM: Shit happens
BUDDHISM: If shit happens it isn't really shit.
HINDUISM: This shit has happened before.
ISLAM: If shit happens, it is the will of Allah.
CATHOLICISM: Shit happens because you deserve it.
PROTESTANTISM: Work harder or shit will happen.
MATERIALISM: Whoever dies with the most shit wins.
ATHEISM: I can’t believe this shit.
JUDAISM: Why does this shit always happen to us?
RASTAFARIANISM: Let’s smoke this shit.
MORMON: Excrement happens. Because shit is a bad word.
AGNOSTICISM: It’s impossible to tell if this is shit or not.
WICCAN: Any shit you give will come back to you 3 times.
LAW OF ATTRACTION: As you think, so you shit.
TV EVANGELIST: Send the shit in. OR: Send me all your shit.
SHINTO: Shit is a part of nature, so let’s celebrate shit.
CAPITALISM: Life is a shit sandwich. The more bread you have, the less shit you eat.
EXISTENTIALISM: We don’t know if shit really happens. We only know our experience of shit happening.
JEHOVAH’S WITNESS: Knock, knock. Shit happens.
QUANTUM PHYSICS: Shit is everywhere and nowhere all at once until observed.
ZEN: This shit is nothing.
SHAMANISM: You haven’t even begun to imagine how deep this shit goes.
ZOROASTRIANISM: This shit is the origin of all other shit.

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